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Australia, in conjunction with a number of key members of the International Whaling Commission (IWC)- including Ireland, has developed a proposal to move the IWC into the 21st century as the leading multilateral body responsible for the conservation and s

English driftnet fishermen, some of whom are the descendents of nine generations of netsmen, have decided to give up their way of life to conserve the dwindling salmon and sea trout of the North Sea and Atlantic Ocean waters.

The restaurants serving whale carpaccio, sushi and pepper steak with Icelandic delicacies like smoked breast of guillemot do not mention that it probably dates from the last whale catch here 14 years ago.

Since early May Cape Clear Island and the waters around West Cork have been producing prodigious whale-watching, with almost daily multiple sightings of minke whales that have now been joined by killer whalesÂ….. On May 20th three minke whales were observed in Gaiscanaun Sound between Cape Clear and Sherkin Island, Co. Cork, along with an

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A rare freshwater dolphin found only in China’s huge Yangtze River could die out within the next 10 years unless fishing methods there change, a global conservation body said.