Posts Categorized: News

Two mass strandings of common dolphins on the west coast The second mass stranding of common dolphins in four days occurred this morning (7th May) on Ventry beach, Co Kerry. According to Kevin Flannery, local IWDG contact, three dolphins live- stranded with one having already died. Local vet Eileen Harrington, who recently attended the IWDG

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The carcass of a sperm whale is under guard after it was removed from a beach in the north east of Scotland. Full Story

Yacht hit by whale

A sailboat with five people onboard was taking on water and diverting to Bermuda last night after hitting a whale. Ful

As the changing season warms the night air, mother sea turtles crawl from the sea and weep along deserted stretches of Florida Keys beaches. Full Story

Congressional Democrats held a press briefing on Capitol Hill today to rally opposition against the Bush administration’s proposal to exempt the U.S. military from five major environmental laws, including the Marine Mammal Protection Act.

After two months of rehabilitation at Mote Marine Laboratory’s Dolphin and Whale Hospital, a dolphin found ill in Crystal River in March will be released back into the Gulf of Mexico near the river Thursday.

Federal and state wildlife officials say they do not know why 44 southern sea otters have washed up dead on California beaches in the month of April, bringing the year’s total to 91. The mortalities this month are more than double the 10 year average, off

So why write a piece on the rocks of the Cape Verde? Well, for my sins I am a geologist and so am keen to see and understand the geology of places I visit. The landscapes there were very dramatic and despite being so far from home, had much in common with familiar scenes, in

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Cabo Verde airlines flight 624 makes its final descent into Sal airport and I am mesmerised by this small brown rock that lies below us. Could I have taken the incorrect flight? Whoever named these islands all those years ago chose an incorrect title as there was nothing evidently verdant about Sal thus far. My

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