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A whaling fleet of six Japanese ships are expected to leave port by the end of this week, as part of the first phase of their plan to hunt 260 whales, the Japanese Fisheries Agency has announced.

The research yacht “Anna M” finally left Sal Rei harbour yesterday (Tuesday), in it’s search for humpback whales, after being pinned down for two days by a huge Atlantic swell. The swell originated from a hurricane in the Azores 1500km to the northwest of the Cape Verde Islands and reached 4-5m as they rolled into

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A federal judge in San Francisco on Thursday blocked the Bush Administration’s bid to loosen standards under which tuna sold in U.S. stores can be labeled “dolphin safe” until the issue is resolved at trial.

A crowd of 1,000 mourners turned up at a funeral for a whale in central Vietnam, where the creatures are revered, police said. Full Story

Ten to fifteen orcas entered a fjord in southern Greenland. One was killed in Qassiarsuk on 20 March and two others in Narsaq. Full Story

The Repair of Mr. Perkins

Simon figured that there was something a little too good to be true about our first brilliant couple of days whale-watching. He was right. We did see a scatter of whales on the 1st April, but they were much quieter than they had been and were not vocalising. Anyway we were due to make contact

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