Posts Categorized: News

On the passage down from Puerto Mogan, Gran Canaria to Cape Verde Ian Enlander mentioned in passing that he hoped this trip would act as something of a weight-watchers programme. I nodded to him in the positive; one of the inevitabilities of being at sea it seems to me is weight loss, either through being

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Technologica confusicus

This expedition to the Cape Verde Islands had a number of objectives. We hoped to contribute to the knowledge of whales around the islands; investigate possible links between humpback whales occurring around Cape Verde and Ireland and try and raise peoples’ awareness of, and interest in, whales in Ireland and our conservation responsibilities. For the

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The remains of a 45ft sperm whale that washed up on the North Norfolk coast will be left to rot, English Nature told the EDP yesterday .

Cape Verde Reflections

I have now left the boat to do a bit of island exploration – to see some more of the birdlife and climb the amazing looking volcano in Fogo. So a spot of reflection on the main business of the trip is timely. It is now over 2 weeks since we sailed from the Canaries

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The grays’ migration off the coast — one of the longest undertaken by any mammal — is one of the rites of spring. Full Story

When the first whaling stations were being established in Ireland between 1908 and 1914, already up to 1,105 humpback whales had been killed around Cape Verde by the American whaling fleet. Prior to 1867 more voyages by the whaling fleet were made to Cape Verde than the West Indies; after 1867 the vast majority of

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As if flicked open the front page of my new book which my wife, Frances, had bought me for the journey to Cape Verde, under “The Salmon of Doubt” by Douglas Adams, she had written “The Humpback of Certainty”. A lovely thought but was I so confident ? Successive groups of researchers had visited the

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On Thursday 3rd April the IWDG received the first report from Sea Kayak guide, Frank Conroy, of a solitary small, jet black whale, which was swimming inside Glengarrif Harbour, West Cork. On investigation it appears that the whale had been in the harbour since Wednesday 2nd April. Dúchas were advised immedietly by the IWDG and

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