Posts Categorized: News

This morning at 10.30am on the outskirts of Mindelo Simon and I met with Oscar David Fonseca Melicio, president of the Cape Verde Marine Institute. A warm and affable man, Oscar had given up part of his weekend to do an interview for the documentary we are making. To date the Cape Verdean people we

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We left Palmeira on the 29th for the downwind doddle to Boavista, some 30 miles to the southward, checking out the Baia da Mordeira on the way, but without finding any whales there. However Ian was happy to watch the birds as we left Sal behind; particularly interesting was the sight of a brown booby,

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Iceland has revealed its plans to resume whaling, 13 years after its crews last fired their harpoons. Full Story

A whale jawbone popular among visitors to a North Yorkshire coastal town has been replaced. Full Story

WWF, the conservation organization, today condemned Iceland’s proposal for the resumption of whaling on three species of large whales, including Northern Minkes and endangered Fin and Sei whales.

The Sleeping Giant, a 94-foot-long, 21,000-pound model of a female blue whale, has graced the American Museum of Natural History’s Hall of Ocean Life since 1969. Recently it became obvious she wasn’t aging gracefully: Her butt was too big and her eyes wer

A colossal squid has been caught in Antarctic waters, the first example of Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni retrieved virtually intact from the surface of the ocean. Full Story

Put a birdwatcher on a boat in the waters between the Canaries and Cape Verde and you just know that he will have a good time despite the discomfort and frequent spells of queezy tummy. Mind you not that these waters are enormously productive – you might see 3 birds in as many minutes and

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