Posts Categorized: News

Whale deaths running high

Another pygmy sperm whale death has National Marine Fisheries Service officials taking a closer look at the health of the species in Florida waters. Full Story

The European Union took a first step last week to control the slaughter of sharks for their fins, which are sold to lucrative markets in Asia where shark fin soup is a delicacy.

Fog in Amsterdam…

Dr. Simon Berrow joins the ‘Anna M’ in Cape Verde and highlights the cruise plan for the weeks ahead.

The issue of how to keep right whales from getting ensnared in lobster fishing gear is being complicated by the fact that two groups with a stake in the issue have divergent views on one crucial point: What type of fishing gear is safe for the endangered

A sick, old sperm whale which swam into shallow water at Clifton, NZ died yesterday, the second to do so in nine years. <

This morning we awake to a very strange landscape, one formed some four million years ago, and to this eye, very little changed since. Dormant volcanoes dominate the view from our anchorage some 500 metres off shore. Beneath them lies a barren brown dusty land. We are in the Baia da Palmeira, a small well

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The only way to save marine mammals from unacceptably high death rates may be temporary fishing bans, UK conservationists say. Full Story

An endangered North Atlantic right whale spotted last summer entangled in fishing gear was seen again, still snarled in fishing line, off Cape Cod this week. F

On 22nd March a dolphin stranded on Fermoyle Beach, Castlegregory, Co. Kerry. The animal, suspected to be a striped dolphin, was found by a visitor from Dublin.