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Makah whale hunts illegal

In May 1999, a young female whale slowly died off the Washington coast after being shot three times — once with a harpoon and twice with a high-powered .50-caliber rifle.

Plans are being made to tranship the cargo of vacuum gas oil on board a tanker which has been anchored off Donegal since the death of two of its crewmen. Full Story

A wildlife charity is launching a campaign to prevent the deaths of hundreds of dolphins around the South West coast of England. Full Story

Federal marine officials have concluded the region’s orca population is less than optimal and are looking at whether they should say it is so low that it warrants special protection under the Marine Mammal Protection Act.

Canada increased sharply the number of seals that can be culled over the next three years yesterday, dismissing protests from environmentalists who say this will have a devastating effect on the seal population.

Post-mortem examinations on dead dolphins washed up on South West beaches have been stopped because vets cannot cope with the large number of bodies. Full Story