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For the first time in over two decades, biologists have found an increased number of endangered Steller sea lions in western Alaska, said a report issued at a marine science conference.

In light of the mass stranding of Pilot Whales in Co. Kerry last March, the IWDG (in conjunction with British Diver’s Marine Life Rescue) has decided to run a training course for rescue services and interested memebers of the public in the Co. Kerry regio

On Wednesday 8th Jan. 2003 a Pseudorca crassidens mass stranding ocurred on a small rocky beach near Burela (Galicia). At least 20 individuals stranded in an inaccessible part of the coastline. The final numbers of dead individuals is not known and

Seal virus fears recede

The impact of a deadly virus which killed hundreds of seals in Scottish waters could have been worse, according to experts. Full Story

A promise to modify vast trawl nets to save dolphins from slaughter has not been kept by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, resulting in continued dolphin and porpoise deaths along the south coast.

Veterinarians who had donated most of their waking hours to nursing an ailing spotted dolphin since Christmas decided to euthanize it when it could no longer swim and they saw “no chance of recovery.”

Two former government scientists who spent years investigating stress in dolphin populations charged this week that superiors at their federally financed laboratory shut down their research because it clashed with policy goals of the Clinton and Bush admi

The Commerce Department has agreed to delay implementation of its new, weaker rules governing the dolphin safe tuna label, pending the outcome of a lawsuit filed against the regulations by environmental groups.

In what was hailed as a “great day for whales,” a federal judge in San Francisco this week blocked the start of a sonar research project that conservation groups said would have disoriented gray whales migrating up the California coast.