Posts Categorized: News

Rescuers pushing and dragging whales managed to refloat 39 members of a beached pod during high tide Wednesday as dozens of other whales lay dead on a remote island off southern New Zealand, officials said.

A potentially life-saving “whale radar” is being tested in a sea lane near the Canary Islands in which as many as 10 whales are killed each year by collisions with ships.

Whalemeat recipes from New Zealand listed on a pro-whaling website have angered the Greens, who say references to New Zealand should be removed. Full Story<

The RSPCA is calling for urgent action from the government and EU to prevent the deaths of hundreds of dolphins and porpoises in commercial fishing nets off the South West coast every year.

A complete skeleton of the largest predator of all time, a Jurassic sea monster that made tyrannosaurus rex look like a featherweight, has been discovered in Mexico.

A Long(man’s) Story

There was a posting on 28 December about Longman’s Beaked Whale, Indopacetus pacificus. It refers to a BBC report of an individual stranded in Japan in July as “the most complete specimen ever seen” and also notes “other fragmentary remains found in South Africa, the Maldives and Kenya”. Just for the record, the Maldives “remains”

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