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Japan signed a secret pact with Britain, the Netherlands and Norway on whaling in the Antarctic Ocean when those four nations and the Soviet Union finalized a treaty on catch quotas in 1962, according to Foreign Ministry documents declassified Monday. <

Ireland has threatened to go to the European Court of Justice to keep Spanish fishing boats out of its coastal waters in what the country’s fisheries minister warned could become a “a war of the seas”.

Initial reaction to the accident was grotesque in ways both expected and unexpected. Other shipping in the area, for example, took advantage of the chaos to wash out their own fuel tanks with sea water. Experts reported that several beaches were affected

The 30-year-old Marine Mammal Protection Act has been credited with reducing the number of dolphins killed each year but some say the law is in danger of being weakened in the upcoming Congressional session.

European Union fisheries ministers agreed last week on emergency measures aimed at saving from extinction several species of fish – mainly cod – in setting next year’s fishing quotas.

A recent study of organochlorine levels (pesticides, PCBs etc) in bottlenose dolphins from the Shannon estuary has shown that although concentrations are elevated they are not at levels thought to compromise the health of the dolphins. Dr Simon Berrow co-ordinator of the study said ‘ultimately all our industrial, domestic and other discharges end up in

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Europe’s trying fish talks

The annual European Union fisheries negotiations – whose outcome this year could have a devastating impact on fishing communities, particularly in Scotland – are strange affairs.

The Australian Conservation Foundation says an endangered species of whale is being harmed by seismic oil and gas exploration in Australia’s southern waters. <