Posts Categorized: News

Thousands of dolphins, particularly baby dolphins, are still dying in tuna nets in the eastern tropical Pacific, finds a report prepared by the National Marine Fisheries Service and released by the Earth Island Institute.

More ice melted from the surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet this year than ever before recorded, report scientists from the University of Colorado. The same team found that the extent of Arctic sea ice reached the lowest level in the satellite record in 2

Killer whales, fishing gear, illegal shootings, harvesting by Alaska natives, or some combination of these – rather than a diminished food supply – appear to be the main reasons for the continuing population decline of Steller sea lions off the coast of A

Feature: A Day to Remember.

Thirty years of diving has provided me with many encounters with dolphins but nothing to compare with what I witnessed while walking the beach at White Strand, just north of Killary harbour, last September. Weather-wise, it was one of those days! The sea was like a mill pond and crystal clear. A few miles out

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A new and controversial theory on the origin of life on Earth is causing a stir among scientists. And one of the implications is that life could be more likely on planets where it was previously thought unlikely to flourish. Full Story: http://ne

About 3,000 dolphins are still being killed each year by tuna fishing fleets in the Pacific Ocean west of Mexico and Central America, a government report says.

Federal officials say they have been unable to locate the distressed humpback whale seen off south Maui earlier this week. Full Story

The Assistant Administrator for Fisheries (AA), NOAA, announces temporary restrictions consistent with the requirements of the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan’s (ALWTRP) implementing regulations. These restrictions apply to lobster trap and anchored gillnet fishermen in an area totaling approximately 1,600 square nautical miles (nm2) (2,965 km2), east of Portsmouth, NH, called Jeffreys Ledge, for

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Story: Standing aboard the control room of the world’s largest car ferry, the Ulysses, gazing out through huge, panoramic windows at the thrashing Irish Sea ahead, it is difficult to imagine what lurks beneath the waves. Few people ever see the brains of such a ship, with its rows of complicated computers and radar

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