Posts Categorized: News

Say goodbye to the North Island Hector’s dolphin — the critically endangered, pint sized marine mammals are now to be known as Maui’s dolphin. Full Story:

A sperm whale that drifted ashore on Mahia Peninsula in northern Hawke’s Bay died overnight, despite efforts to shepherd it back out to sea. Full Story:

Large amounts of oil have been washed up on beaches along the south coast of Cornwall prompting fears that it could have come from the sunken tanker, Prestige. Full Story:

Story: The friendly Northern Bottlenose whale has been upgraded to endangered because of the noisy world it lives in. Some 130 of the beaked whales live in an Atlantic canyon off the Nova Scotia coast. While their habitat is off-limits to oil and gas exploration, it is surrounded by areas where the oil industry

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Sea cow suffers in the wild

A sea cow named Pig is receiving round-the-clock care after finding life in the wild too dangerous to handle. Full Story:

Scientists have wondered for years where humpback whales disappear to after they mate in the warm waters off Brazil’s Atlantic coast in the spring, and show up three months later in Antarctica. Full Story:

The UK’s National Seal Sanctuary in Cornwall says it is being overwhelmed by sick baby seals. Full Story: