Posts Categorized: News

Delegates to a U.N. conference on endangered species voted on Thursday to effectively halt all trade in the Black Sea bottlenose dolphin, a creature sought by aquariums around the world. Full Story:

The death of 22 bottlenose dolphins which were stranded in Long Island between Deadman’s Cay and Mangrove Bush, has left fishermen and employees of the Department of Agriculture baffled.

Story: An attack on a resident Port River dolphin has prompted calls for a police investigation. Dolphin researcher Dr Mike Bossley said yesterday he believed the dolphin, known as Two-Notch, had been attacked last weekend with a spear, harpoon or possibly a bullet. “I don’t know what caused the wound but it’s clearly not

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Story: Surprising new lessons in dolphin anatomy and polymer chemistry may be teaching researchers a thing or two about how to keep ship hulls free of tubeworms, barnacles and other aquatic freeloaders. Dolphins are well known among anatomists for the extraordinary hydrodynamic properties that allow them to reach sustained swimming speeds of 20 mph

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The federal agency best known for taming Mother Nature has embarked on the most ambitious effort ever to rehabilitate the web of tideflats, marshes, bluffs and deltas that serves as nursery and buffet table for life in Puget Sound. Full Story: http:/

Harbour seals in British Columbia have learnt to trust the local killer whales, new research reveals. The calls of unfamiliar killer whales sent the seals diving for safety, but they were unperturbed by the songs of their friendly fish-eating neighbours.

Fearing that industrial contaminants from across the sea have combined with other factors to drive a small, unique family of Prince William Sound killer whales toward extinction, conservation groups are asking government to list the animals as depleted un

Setback for sharks

The UK Government is fighting to get international agreement to restrict the trade in basking shark products. Full Story:

As humpback whales begin their annual return to Hawaiian waters, agencies charged with protecting them are reminding boaters to respect the big mammals. Full Story:

A panel of European Union scientific experts has backed calls for a virtual shutdown of key fishing grounds. Full Story: