Posts Categorized: News

The number of sightings of dolphins in the Firth of Forth has increased by a record 50 per cent, according to new figures. Data collected by the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust (HWDT) indicates that there have been 143 reported sightings so far th

The meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (Cites) in Santiago, Chile, has the task of balancing the protection of rare species with the promotion of sustainable development. Full Story:

On the surface, the issue seemed so simple: regulating Mexico’s shark catch, a source of food and income for thousands of Mexican families. But a surprising uproar greeted Mexico’s first attempt to manage its shark fisheries, one of the world’s larg

Taiwan is expected to be pressured to accept listing the whale shark as an endangered species as delegates from 160 countries gather in Santiago, Chile to amend the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species Full Story: http://www.etaiwa

The world’s growing population and overfishing will mean around one billion people in developing countries will face shortages of fish, their most important source of protein, within 20 years. Full Story:

Japan will seek to ease a ban on international whale meat trade at a U.N. meeting in Chile from Sunday despite opposition from many nations, environmentalists and even Norwegian whalers. Japan wants the conference on the U.N. Convention on Internati

A federal judge today issued a preliminary injunction stopping the U.S. Navy from deployment of a new high intensity sonar system that could hurt or kill whales, dolphins, seals and sea turtles with its loud signals. Full Story:

The Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) has adopted an unprecedented fishery management plan that prohibits the use of pelagic longline gear in the waters off California, Oregon and Washington. Conservation and fishing groups say the move will help

The NSW Government has announced sanctuaries to protect endangered grey nurse sharks. Conservationists say it is too little, too late. Full Story

The Bush administration will oppose Japan’s push to resume commercial whaling of two varieties, the minke whale and the Bryde’s whale, the Interior Department said Wednesday. Full Story: