Posts Categorized: News

Death Knell.

Story: Last month, 17 whales beached and died in the Canary Islands. Nobody knows for sure what killed them, but the government of the Canaries made an educated guess. Four mass whale strandings have occurred in the islands in the last 20 years, and each one of them coincided with Nato naval exercises. This

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S. Africa: A whale of a ride

This is not a story about the one who got away – rather a story of a fisherman who nearly did not get away.

The 160 governments who will meet in Santiago, Chile from 3-15 November for the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) have a unique opportunity to help save some of the world’s most precious marine species

Ocean ecosystems are being strained by pollution, coastal development and harmful fishing practices, warns a new study from the Pew Oceans Commission. These human caused problems are endangering the ecological and economic benefits produced by some of Ear

A toxic chemical which may devastate the development of young whale calves has been found in high concentrations in the blubber of a Monterey Bay killer whale, according to researchers whose work will soon be featured in a National Geographic television s

The European Parliament has adopted a ground-breaking resolution about international trade in endangered species that calls for the continued protection of whales from trade. A reaolution adopted on 24 October, addresses the forthcoming Meeting of the Parties of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), in Santiago, Chile

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Story: Death threats had been made against the Port River dolphins, Environment Minister John Hill said yesterday. They were aimed at scuttling the State Government’s plans for a dolphin sanctuary in the river, Mr Hill said. “A lunatic fringe wants to stop the Government from creating a safe haven for our dolphins,” he told

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Whale Radar under Test

A life-saving “whale radar” is to be tested in a busy sea lane where up to 10 of the giant creatures are killed by ship collisions each year, it was revealed today. Full Story:

Animal rights activists brought their battle to stop the Makah tribe from conducting its traditional gray whale hunt to a federal appellate court yesterday, arguing that the United States is violating environmental laws by allowing it to go forward.

A federal judge ordered the National Science Foundation on Monday to stop firing sound blasts into the Gulf of California because it harms whales. Full Story: