Posts Categorized: News

With a UN moratorium in place for the last ten years and a European Union (EU) ban introduced this year, we might have thought that driftnet fishing in Europe — a hot campaign issue in the early 1990s — was finally over. But in fact, driftnet fishing cont

The government of Canada has announced its intention to create 10 new parks and five new national marine conservation areas over the next five years. It is the most ambitious plan to expand and protect the country’s natural areas in 117 years, since Canad

Handing a victory to whalers, at a special meeting of the International Whaling Commission here today, national delegates voted by a margin of one to let Iceland join the commission. The single vote was that of Iceland itself. Full Story: http://ens

This has been a defining year for Ole Myklebust and his family fishing firm off the west coast of Norway. In July, he sent a small shipment of minke whale meat to Iceland – followed by a second consignment in September. Full Story: http://news

Aichi Prefecture residents will file a lawsuit with the Nagoya District Court as early as Tuesday seeking the suspension of the planned purchase of two killer whales by the Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium, they said Sunday. Full Story: http://japantod

Stealth technology used in warships has helped to produce a new ultra-low noise survey vessel which is working on ways to prevent whales beaching themselves. Full Story:

Inuit demand whale catch

A whaling dispute which is setting remote Arctic communities against the Japanese Government could soon be resolved. Full Story:

The lone survivor among nine short-finned pilot whales found stranded on a Florida Panhandle beach last year has died, officials said. Full Story:

Global warming could be behind the mysterious deaths of giant squid off the north coast of Spain, a marine biologist said. Full Story: