Posts Categorized: News

Great whales a little safer

Six types of great whale have been given better protection under an international agreement on migratory species. Full Story:

Yesterday 24th of September, at least 12 beaked whales of 3 species (Ziphius cavirostris, Mesoplodon densirostris and Mesoplodon europaeus) stranded in the coasts of the Canary Islands (Spain). At least one in Lanzarote and 11 in Fuerteventura. This mass stranding occurred during NATO naval exercises of great magnitude in the area, involving many ships and

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A change in routine netted Cathy Berse an early morning surprise Monday — a face-to-face encounter with an adult male pygmy sperm whale. Full Story:

Seal pups born in waters in Pembrokeshire are said to be “doing well” despite the threat of a killer virus which has claimed the lives of thousands.

Japanese whaling ships began returning from the northwest Pacific Ocean on Sunday, after their first hunt for endangered sei whales in a quarter century.

A marine amusement park in Florida wants the world’s most famous free whale back in captivity. Full Story:

For the first time in more than a century, a northern right whale calf has been sighted in the eastern North Pacific Ocean, which scientists say offers hope that the world’s most endangered cetaceans may yet escape extinction. Full Story: http://www.

Keiko the killer whale, star of the “Free Willy” movies, might never re-adapt to life in the wild after his release from two decades in captivity, the head of the orca’s own foundation said on Thursday. Full Story:

Deadly seal virus spreads

There are fears the deadly seal virus that has killed about 1,000 animals around the Wash has spread south to Essex. Full Story