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The first organized “safaris” to visit Keiko, the affection-starved killer whale, start Friday but marine officials are none too pleased. They want people to stay away from Keiko, in the hopes he’ll swim back out to sea before coastal ice starts forming.

A federal grant will allow three members of the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission to travel to England to discuss subsistence quotas for bowhead whales. Full Story:

Marine researcher Nils Oeien’s suggestion that Keiko the killer whale – star of the film “Free Willy” – should be destroyed rather than be left in the wild where he cannot cope has ignited a global storm of indignation.

The decline of some Antarctic seabirds may be linked to the warming of the earth’s climate, though fishing and hunting of seals and whales could also be responsible, according to new research conducted by the British Antarctic Survey (BAS).

Two southern right whales lazed in viewing distance off Tasmania’s East Coast yesterday, taking a break on the long journey south to their summer feeding grounds.

The harpoon brought them close to extinction. Now whales run a new, murderous gauntlet strung along the Australian coast, writes Andrew Darby. Full Story

Story: A pair of endangered whales have been spotted near the mouth of Halifax Harbour, but officials say it’s a locale that won’t do much for the mammals’ chances of surviving. The two North Atlantic right whales were identified yesterday morning by a Halifax whale tour, about 14 kilometres from the city’s downtown waterfront.

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Story: The risky release of a humpback whale tangled in a shark net off the northern NSW coast last week would lead to more careful rescues in the future. Rescue co-ordinator, Sea World’s marine sciences director Trevor Long, said today too many chances were taken to cut free the 13m whale near Yamba on

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