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A Humpback whale thought to have drowned after being caught in shark nets on the Gold Coast found some new friends as it was finally untangled by rescuers.

The Bush administration is reviewing a landmark environmental law both reviled and praised because it requires lengthy studies before foresters cut a tree or developers start to dig. Full Story:

The United States has launched an intense diplomatic lobbying campaign for the renewal of an aboriginal whaling quota ahead of a special meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) to consider the matter, a US official said on Wednesday.

A whale believed to have drowned in shark netting off the Gold Coast has seemingly risen from the dead. Full Story

Concern is mounting about the impact tourism is having on whales and dolphins around New Zealand’s coastline. An international eco-tourism conference in Dunedin yesterday heard that many of the whales and dolphins popular for tourism were endangered

The body of a dead young humpback whale has surfaced off a Gold Coast beach. However, authorities are uncertain whether it is the same whale that was trapped in a shark net at the weekend.

William Hogarth, the top official at the National Marine Fisheries Service, will review the question of what the best thing for Keiko is, now that the famous killer whale is swimming on his own – and perhaps alone – in the North Atlantic. Keiko starred

Restoration of the world’s depleted fisheries not later than 2015 was agreed by negotiators at the World Summit on Sustainable Development Tuesday. Considered a breakthrough by summit organizers, agreement on the target date in the Johannesburg Summ

To counter criticism of animal rights advocates, fishermen in Ito, a traditional dolphin-hunting town in eastern Izu, have proposed what they portray as a more humane dolphin-slaughtering practice — shortening the time of death from up to 10 minutes to wi