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There was a very unsettling sight on the Seattle waterfront Friday, where a container ship collided with a 40-foot Gray whale, and sailed into the Port of Seattle with the dead whale still lodged into the ship’s bow. Full Story:

A federal judge on Thursday dismissed a challenge by animal welfare groups to the Makah Indian whale hunts, clearing the way for the gray whale hunts to resume. Full Story:

The crew of a whale-watching vessel violated the law and endangered the life of a mother whale by partially freeing her from fishing gear, a federal fisheries spokeswoman said. Full Story:

Story: Japan’s top whaling official indicated yesterday that Tokyo would block US attempts to reinstate a five-year whale-hunting season for Alaskan Eskimos. The issue has been a flashpoint between the two countries since Japan led a drive, at a May meeting of the International Whaling Commission, to ban the hunting of bowhead whales by

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A coalition of groups led by the Natural Resources Defense Council said it would file suit on Wednesday to block the U.S. Navy from using a powerful new sonar that scientists say could injure whales and other marine mammals. Full Story: http://www.p

Keiko the whale, star of the hit film “Free Willy,” is adjusting to life in the wild after years in captivity and now lives with a school of killer whales off Iceland’s south coast, scientists said Tuesday.

The European Commission said on Monday it would introduce licences for shark fishing to prevent fishermen cutting off sharks’ fins and dumping the carcasses back in the sea. Full Story:

Some 20,000 seals, around half the seal population of Western Europe, are expected to die from a virus raging in the seas between southern Sweden and the Dutch coast, a Swedish scientist said on Friday. Full Story:

Environmental campaigners in America are concerned about a new danger to the world’s whale population. Full Story:

An extremely rare Longman’s beaked whale, only the third complete specimen known to science, has washed up on a South African beach, a senior scientist said on Sunday. Full Story: