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A deadly virus which has already killed thousands of seals in northern Europe has reached Germany, officials have confirmed. Full Story

Norway said Tuesday that more scientific discussions with Japan were needed on the measurement of contaminants in whale products before both countries could start trading in whale meat and blubber. Full Story: The three southern right whales which have delighted crowds in Sydney Harbour are putting on a show again today. A NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service spokeswoman said they were between Bradleys Head and Clark Island this morning. NPWS was keeping a watchful eye on the creatures, she said. “We’ve got a boat out

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About 20 pilot whales died and some 25 more were expected to perish on Tuesday after they beached themselves off Cape Cod for the second day in a row. Full Story:

A newborn humpback whale has been put down, and the carcasses of 52 false killer whales left to rot, because of the tricky locations where the mammals became stranded.

Japanese and Norwegian government officials will meet in Oslo on Tuesday to discuss the practicalities of exporting whale meat from Norway to Japan. Full Story:

The Institute of Cetacean Research said Monday it will cut the sale prices on some 1,900 tons of meat from minke whales caught for “research” purposes in the Antarctic Ocean in fiscal 2001. Full Story:

More than 50 pilot whales beached themselves on a stretch of Cape Cod sand Monday and nine of them died before vacationers and other volunteers could push the animals back out to deeper water in a feverish rescue effort. Full Story: http://www.macon.