As part of a deal with Waterways Ireland, the IWDG has secured a berth for the Celtic Mist at Charlotte Quay in the Grand Canal Dock, Dublin. The berth will enable us to carry out essential maintenance of the vessel, give greater access to our members, and facilitate education and outreach projects with local schools and groups. While we await moving into the berth in the next two weeks, the vessel has arrived into Poolbeg Yacht Club.
To kick-start the programme of maintenance, we will be meeting this Saturday, 11th November at Poolbeg Yacht Club to identify skills that members may have, arrange a schedule of works and start some of the repairs. If you would like to get involved with helping out with any maintenance, please get in touch as we would love to hear from you. The Celtic Mist is an IWDG members' boat and we aim to conduct further research next year both in inshore and offshore waters.
IWDG Director, Fiacc O'Brolchain, is coordinating the maintenance schedule and will be onboard this Saturday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. If you are able to help, please come along and register your interest. While we will be providing equipment, it is advisable to bring some overalls or old clothing if you're able to help out on the day.
For further information, please email or keep an eye out on our website and social media channels for future updates.
Watch video of Celtic Mist travelling the short distance to Grand Canal Docks from Polbeg
Many thanks to Tony Whelan for the footage
Follow Tony @canolapictures @tony_whelan and Facebook CanolaPicturesIreland.