Yearly Archives: 2003

US scientists say monitoring the North Atlantic climate can predict the birth rate of an endangered species of whale. Full Story

Whales found dead in Tasmania

Over 100 pilot whales and 10 dolphins have been found dead after beaching themselves on Australia’s island state of Tasmania. Full Story

Police in Japan, one of the world’s biggest consumers of whale meat, have arrested two foreign environmental activists for trying to free whales penned in a bay, a police spokesman said yesterday.

A previously unidentified species of whale has been recorded by researchers. The creature is a close cousin of the blue whale and has been given the formal scientific name Balaenoptera omurai, reports the journal Nature.

Seagrass, a vital but largely overlooked component of the world’s oceans, is being destroyed by ignorance and inaction, threatening millions of people and many species of marine animals, according to a new report published today.

US Navy agrees sonar limit

The United States Navy has agreed to cut its use of a controversial low-frequency sonar system, which could be harming marine mammals, especially whales and dolphins, an environmental group has said.

On a cold and dark autumn evening, the Trir Frakkar restaurant in Reykjavik is packed with groups of mainly foreign diners pondering whether to opt for the fish course or go for something a bit more beefy.

Euro MPs fight for whales

Members of the European Parliament have demanded an end to the use of sonar devices believed to cause the strandings and deaths of dolphins and whales. Full Story