The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) will run a Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) Marine Mammal Observer (MMO) course in Cork at the Maldron hotel on January 14, 2017.  On Sunday the 15th a Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Protected Species Observer (PSO) course is proposed to be held at the same venue.  Cost of each course will be €200 per person per day (each course being one day) and these are approved certified courses run by Alison Gill.  The current market for work is at best highly variable and each person must decide themselves whether or not they have a requirement for these courses.    

If interested please email patrick.lyne@iwdg.ie or mmo@iwdg.ie and payment will be requested once minimum numbers to fill course days have been reached and required within one week of notification to hold a place on each course. 

Light lunch will provided so let me know if you have any dietary restrictions.

If you need a room for any night let me know I can negotiate a discounted rate.  

Please also state if you have previously sat a JNCC course with Alison Gill and are now doing the PSO course.

Patrick Lyne

