Be a Marine Biologist for a Day

In celebration of this year’s National Heritage Week, the IWDG education team invite future marine biologists to explore the world of Ireland’s ocean giants at its headquarters in Kilrush, Co. Clare.

In keeping with this year’s living heritage theme of passing knowledge and skills down through the generations, this event is aimed at children ages 8-10.

Breakdown of Activities:

Welcome to the Shannon Dolphin Centre at 10 am.

Looking back to look forward – introduction to whale and dolphin evolution and anatomy with real whale and dolphin bones.

Break time

Join the Shannon Dolphin Project team and help them match dolphins to our catalogue – an interactive game.

Who eats who? – a scavenger hunt.

Break time

Species identification – decorate a cookie with your favourite species’ diagnostic markings.

Whale Jenga: Learn about the ecosystem and how conservation continually tries to balance a tower of threats against biodiversity.

Mark-recapture Experiment with marshmallows.

End of day


Queries can be sent to IWDG Education & Outreach Officer Sibéal at Please include marine biologist day in the subject line.