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A US federal plan to help restore the endangered North Atlantic right whale population in waters along the East Coast took a step forward yesterday. <

IWDG are delighted that Whale Watch Ireland 2008 helped kick-start the 1st day of Heritage Week, which runs from 24th-31st August. For further details on how you can take part in learning more about Ireland’s wealth of natural, built and cultural heritage visit Summary of Whale Watch Ireland 2008 Results  No’s people Attending:

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Increasing activity in the Moray Firth ranging from offshore wind farm development to boat traffic is putting Scotland’s precious populations of whales and dolphins at risk, researchers claim.

An orphaned whale calf which had been suckling from a yacht in a Sydney bay in a futile bid to find its mother was given a lethal dose of anaesthetic on Friday as its condition deteriorated, Australian wildlife officers said.

Mexico said Wednesday it will invest 163 million pesos (US$16 million) to save a highly endangered species of porpoise in the upper Gulf of California, asking reluctant fishermen to adopt safer methods or give up their trade entirely.

IWDG recieved calls on Saturday afternoon that two dolphins were repeatedly live-stranding at the Cockle Beach in Crookhaven West Cork. Despite at least 3-4 attempts by locals and holiday makers to bring the dolphins out to deeper water, the dolphins continued to live-strand. On arriving at the scene it was clear that the dolphins, were

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Report III – 16/08/08 NIEA monitoring of the porpoise continued in Coleraine from 7am on Saturday morning, amid torrential rain and sodden street cleaners. The animal was sighted immediately, surfacing directly beneath the foot bridge and remaining within a small 10m channel. Showing similar behaviour to the previous day, it continued to angle itself upstream,

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Dolphins and sharks may soon disappear from the Bay of Bengal off the Vizag coast. The cause: increased fishing activity and movement of mechanised boats. The H