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While the blue whale’s future was uncertain due to its dwindling numbers, the species recently has showed promise of survival, as more and more of the cetaceans are swimming off the coast of the Palos Verdes Peninsula.

Experts are monitoring sightings of killer whales swimming in Scottish waters to determine whether there has been an increase in the number of the mammals.

Survey Ended: 2008 NIOZ Cold Water Coral Fish Survey Area: Porcupine Seabight & Hatton Bank Agency: Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) Ship: R.V. Pelagia Observer: Dave Wall ______________________________________ 15 July 2008 Windy weather this morning led to another day in the office. At trips end reports are finished, photos shared round and packing

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13 July, “Boomerang” now off Waterford Coast Having gone through probably the leanest period in our years whale watching off Ram Head, Ardmore, Co. Waterford, today was one of those days that makes up for all those long hours staring at an empty sea. Ann was the first to spot the humpback whale under a

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Dave Wall is on a five week cruise to the Porcupine Seabight & Hatton Bank onboard RV Pelagia as part of the IWDG/GMIT PReCAST project (see He is currently enduring some pretty inclement weather out there, yet is still making sightings of fin whales, sperm whales and beaked whale sp. For full daily sighting

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