Posts Categorized: News

A deal on fishing quotas designed to reverse the decline of several species has been agreed by the European Union but without acieving scientific recommendations. Full Story

Keiko, the killer whale that starred in the film Free Willy, has died in Norway at the age of 27, 18 months after he was returned to the wild. Full Story

Scientists have made the extraordinary discovery in Chile of a hidden nursery where blue whales go in large numbers to rear their young and to feed. Full Story

A species of whale that ignores most man-made noises – including passing boats – is attracted to sounds like the sirens used by emergency services. Full Story

US scientists say monitoring the North Atlantic climate can predict the birth rate of an endangered species of whale. Full Story

Whales found dead in Tasmania

Over 100 pilot whales and 10 dolphins have been found dead after beaching themselves on Australia’s island state of Tasmania. Full Story

Police in Japan, one of the world’s biggest consumers of whale meat, have arrested two foreign environmental activists for trying to free whales penned in a bay, a police spokesman said yesterday.