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The capture of dolphins in the Solomon Islands continues with confirmation that at least 10 more dolphins were rounded up and caught late last week. Full Story

Researchers are on the lookout for a humpback whale entangled in yellow crab pot lines and attached floats that was last seen Sunday with a calf about 27 miles west of San Francisco.

Conservationists gather this week to chart a way to save the shark, one of the most feared predators in the oceans itself under threat from over-fishing and demand for dishes such as shark-fin soup.

Boaters at Barnstable Harbor on Cape Cod, were this morning treated to a rare and unexpected visit from a female North Atlantic right whale and her calf, stirring excitement among Cape Cod whale conservationists, including the Cape Cod-based International

It is a tale to rival Ahab’s mad pursuit of the great white whale. Last night patrol boats from three nations, including Britain, closed in on their “Moby Dick” – suspected poachers on board a ship which had been on the run for 20 days through the iceberg

For the first time, scientists have both witnessed and photographed a whale gas bubble, suggesting that flatulence is just as common for ocean mammals as it is for humans and many other terrestrial animals.

Emergency action has been taken to ban deep water trawling in an area off the north west coast of Scotland to protect a unique coral formation. Full Story

In an emotional dispute that could shape Jamaica’s tourism industry, animal rights activists and resort owners are taking sides over whether dolphins should be captured and imported for marine parks.

Whale flattens yacht.

A family sailing off the coast of Australia watched in horror as a 30ft humpback whale leapt from the ocean and crashed on top of them.