Posts Categorized: News

Scientists from the New England Aquarium and the state of Georgia are attempting to find and rescue a 45-foot right whale that was entangled in lobster lines in the South Atlantic. Full Story:

Almost 60,000 whales, dolphins and porpoises are killed each year worldwide by entanglement with fishing nets, a coalition of the world’s leading cetacean scientists reported Tuesday. The scientists have agreed to form a global response team, the Cetacean

Our new website is designed to be more interactive. We now have a fully searchable sightings and strandings database which allows you to search for sightings or strandings by county or species or both! The strandings database is up to date but please bear with us for a while and we will have the sightings

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It was over a decade ago that Pacific tuna fisheries, pressured by public outcry in the United States, rushed to label their cans “dolphin safe,” a guarantee that their fishing practices would not harm the intelligent marine animals that Americans had com

Whale meat went on sale at Icelandic supermarkets Monday for the first time in nearly 14 years, as the government said it was just a matter of time before Iceland resumes commercial whaling. The meat on sale at Noatun, which has 15 stores in southwest Ic

: BEING on top of the food chain, sharks don’t really have any natural enemies in the sea — except man, who has been hunting these predator fish relentlessly, mainly for their fins that make for an expensive sea food delicacy. Full Story: http://cit

Story: Springer, the orphaned killer whale attempting to reunite with her family, appears to have found a friend. Lance Barrett-Lennard, a scientist with the Vancouver Aquarium, said Friday Springer has been spending time with 60 or 70 whales belonging to A pod, the same group scientists believe Springer belongs to. While hanging out on

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