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A pygmy sperm whale stranded alive in the Magaherees in Co. Kerry yesterday. The animal was reported to Dingle Oceanworld. Upon veterinary inspection it was deemed too ill to save and was euthanised. The animal appears to be female and is currenlty a

Bottle-nosed dolphins could become extinct in British waters within a decade, a report has warned. Full Story:

The cross-channel adventures of Georges, the Cherbourg dolphin, known as Flipper in Weymouth, have raised the question: Are we endangering friendly dolphins by encouraging them to make contact?

The United States Government has authorised the Navy to use a powerful new sonar system to detect submarines, despite concerns that it could harm whales and dolphins. Full Story:

After a grudging 14 year break, Norway, the only country to conduct commercial whale hunts, has resumed exports of whale meat and blubber with a shipment to Iceland, whalers said Monday. Full Story:

Bottlenose dolphins in Scotland and the south-west of England are dying out as greater numbers get caught in fishing nets, according to the Wildlife Trust’s report entitled Our Dying Seas. Full Story:

The Navy won approval Monday to deploy two ships that use low-frequency sonar to detect faraway submarines, despite continuing questions about whether the system’s loud blasts will injure whales and other ocean animals. Full Story: http://www.access

An orphaned killer whale was tagging along with members of her birth pod Monday, a day after she returned to her native waters following a long stay in the waters near Seattle. The 2-year-old, 12-foot-long orca was not intermingling with the eight other w

A young male Ziphius (4.2 m long) which stranded alive and died within minutes of reaching the beach was found to have 4.5 Kg of plastic debris in its stomach. It was very emaciated (all vertebral tips showing) and its stomach contained a total of