Posts Categorized: News

Story: THE controversial 1bn euro Corrib gas pipeline project off Mayo has suffered a serious setback with a Bord Pleanala warning that it would pose an “unacceptable” risk to public safety. The planning board told the developers it believed the largest infrastructural project in the west would pose an unacceptable risk to people living

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The National Marine Fisheries Service announced Tuesday that it will not add Puget Sound’s resident orcas to the federal list of endangered species. A panel of scientists determined the three pods that spend much of the year off the coast of Washington state do not constitute a distinct subspecies, which means they do not meet

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The sea-state was surprisingly acceptable with only a light breeze but a long swell seemingly from the other side of the Atlantic. Bird activity was low with rafts of guillemots washing themselves below the cliffs and flocks of kittiwakes hovering over the breaking waves. After about 40 minutes two fins were seen slicing through the

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Failure to tackle serious coastal erosion at one of the most scenic spots on the Meath coastline could lead to a major landslide tragedy, according to Colr. Tom Kelly.

Puget Sound’s resident killer whales were putting on a clinic of all things orca, slapping pectoral fins, swimming in tight formation, breaching, even cartwheeling in front of Dave Ellifrit and a crew from the Center for Whale Research. The spectacle, including five tailhops, was spectacular. “Lots of whales doing lots of things,” Ellifrit sang out,

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