Fin whales return to West Cork haunts

Suggested viewing sites would be Galley Head, and Dunowen Head near Clonakilty or Dunworley and Seven Heads near Courtmacsherry. The whales seem to be in an area between latitude 51 20N -51 23N and Longitude 8 50W- 9 02W. So Galley Head may well offer the best vantage point.

On Sat. morning 21st Aug. a 90 minute “Effort Watch” from Galley Head, in flat calm sea conditions produced an impressive c60+ harbour porpoise, 100-150 common dolphins, along with other unid. dolphin sp. , c3-4 minke whales and 1-2 fin whales. That’s a minimum of four, but a likely five species from a land watch.

Be warned however, that you will need optimum environmental conditions and may require a good quality spotting scope to pick up the fin whales vapour plumes along the horizon.

Please report any sightings of them to IWDG.