Humpback whale returns to West Cork- 3rd year running

A single humpback whale that was photo identified in 2001 and 2002 has returned to the waters off Galley Hd, West Cork on the 6th, 8th and 9th Sept.

This is the third consecutive year this whale has been identified in the same location. It’s distinctive, damaged dorsal fin and tail fluke markings were first photographed on Aug. 30th 2001 by Colin Barnes, on Aug. 25th 2002 by Pádraig Whooley and we hope to confirm that pics taken on Sept. 8th 2003 are of the same whale.

Food for thought, isn’t it, that this whale whose migration could take it from the high arctic to tropical wintering grounds should chose to return each year to the same location, at the same time?

Whale watch operator Colin Barnes, who reported this activity to IWDG, also saw large blows from baleen whales peppering the horizon. These may have come from fin whales in the area.

It looks like the recent large baleen whale activity from the Southeast has moved west. Let’s hope the weather improves towards the weekend which will enable whale watchers get a closer look at the humpback and fin whales, if they remain in the area.

Pádraig Whooley
