Irish Humpback Whale PhotoID Catalogue

Please note that the same animals may be numbered differently because fluke and dorsal shots could not be linked. Therefore we have a definate 4 animals based on fluke ID.

HB1: Note: Classic hump & white spot in curve of dorsal fin.

© Colin Barnes

HB1: Note: Classic hump & white spot in curve of dorsal fin. This was ID by Colin Barnes in 2001. Probably female as it had a calf in association.

© Dave Wall

HB1: Note: Classic hump & white spot in curve of dorsal fin.

© Dave Wall

HB1: Note: Classic hump & white spot in curve of dorsal fin.

© Dave Wall

HB1*: Note: Totally dark underside to fluke. *Matched with dorsal fin through Colin Barnes photos from 2001.

© Dave Wall

HB2: Note: Fluke Notches.

© Dave Wall

HB2: Note: ‘V’ pattern & dark patch on Lr. right fluke.

© Dave Wall

HB3: Note: Very Unique Rake marks along Fluke Margin.

This animal was seen tail slapping a number of times.

© Dave Wall

HB3: Note: Very Unique Rake marks along Fluke Margin.

© Dave Wall

HB3: Note: Very Unique Rake marks along Fluke Margin.

© Dave Wall

HB4: Note: Almost clear white fluke with black mark near tip of right fluke.

© Dave Wall

HB4: Note: Almost clear white fluke with black mark near tip of right fluke.

© Dave Wall

HB5: Note: Plain dorsal fin.

© Dave Wall

HB6: Note: Scarring on dorsal fin.

© Dave Wall

HB6: Note: Scarring on dorsal fin.

HB3 & HB6 Photographed together, probably feeding.
