IWDG back surveying in offshore habitats

Dave Wall is on a five week cruise to the Porcupine Seabight & Hatton Bank onboard RV Pelagia as part of the IWDG/GMIT PReCAST project (see www.iwdg.ie/precast).

He is currently enduring some pretty inclement weather out there, yet is still making sightings of fin whales, sperm whales and beaked whale sp.

For full daily sighting reports by Dave Wall during this survey, click on the “Ship Survey Unit” icon on the right of the home page, or under the “Sightings” banner above, then select “Ship Surveys” and the “Ship Survey News” link.

Or click on this link http://www.iwdg.ie/ShipSurveys/?id=68

Survey: 2008 Deep Water Coral Survey

Area: Porcupine Seabight & Hatton Bank

Agency: Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ)

Ship: R.V. Pelagia

Observer: Dave Wall, IWDG
