IWDG Stranding Database updated

The cetacean sighting and stranding schemes are the backbone of the IWDG and we have been co-ordinating both on an All-Ireland basis since 1991.

It is important that all records in a database are validated thus ensuring the quality of the data. All stranding records submitted to the IWDG are validated and an annual list published in the Irish Naturalists Journal.

As part of ISCOPE II we are upgrading the IWDG website, on-line database and search engines. As part of this upgrade we have cleanded up all records on the database. All the stranding records on the IWDG database are now fully validated and match the published records. All published records are also now on the database.

Those records which were on the database but were not published, or could not be validated, have been deleted but will re-instated if we can obtain additional information to validate them.

Mick O’Connell ( mick.oconnell@iwdg.ie ) who is now the IWDG Strandings Co-ordinator will be ensuring that all records can be validated and will seek additional information from recorders if required.

This has been quite a large job as we have over 1800 records dating back to 1750 and with around 120-130 strandings reported each year.

Our next job will be to review the data to explore trends and identify any unusual events.

Thank you to all of you who have supported this scheme.

Simon Berrow

IWDG Co-ordinator
