IWDG talk on the Shannon Dolphins: Mary I, Limerick, Wed. 1st March @8:00pm

Dr Simon Berrow will present a talk on the Shannon Dolphins at Mary I in Limerick on Wednesday 1 March starting at 8pm. This is part of the winter talk series organised by Aughinish Diving Club. 

On the 2nd of May,1993 Simon headed out from Carrigaholt, Co Clare in his old RIB with colleague and friend Brian Holmes, following reports from local fishermen that there were always dolphins in the estuary. They didnt find any. However, they tried again on the 3rd of May and yes found dolphins! 
They recognised individual dolphins from markings on their dorsal fins and following this the Shannon Dolphin Project was underway. Nearly 25 years later, we are all familiar with the dolphins and have learnt a little about how they live and use the estuary. However, despite of this,there is so much more to discover and we still have a lot to learn. Simon will share his knowledge and experience of the dolphins living in the estuary, right on the doorstep of Aughninish Diving Club! 

All welcome including those not in the diving club

Please contact Martin Kiely (087 2841233) for more details