IWDG Workshop – Howth, Co Dublin UPDATE

There was a good mix of people from divers to yachts people and also members of the IWDG. 27 people attended and had a lot of information thrown at them on identifification, distribution, ecology, and conservation. Some is sure to stick!

Despite good sea conditions, though a little misty, no cetaceans were seen from Howth Head during a two hour watch but it provided a good opportunity to demonstrate watching techniques and field cues.

Due to the succcess of this course and the number of people who could not be fitted in due to the relatively small room, we will do one again next year, probably in April.

Simon Berrow shows staff from the Irish Sea Sanctuary how to whalewatch

The IWDG would like to thank thank CFT Scientific Group and Sheila Hayden for organising the course so well and Fidelma Carroll and Dinah Boyne for for helping out with the watching at Howth Head.

Simon Berrow

IWDG Co-ordinator

 Whalewatching from Howth Head

A one-day workshop by the IWDG has been organised for Howth Yacht Club on Saturday 6 October at 10am. All Welcome

Simon Berrow, IWDG co-ordinator and author of the IWDG ‘Guide to Whales & Dolphins in Irish Waters’ will hold a day-workshop on Saturday, 06 October, at Howth YC.

The morning workshop will introduce people to the identification and recording of 24 species of whales, dolphins and porpoises seen in Irish waters and will include field identification of cetaceans

at sea and from remains washed up on shore including skull characteristics. A DVD, which includes footage filmed in Irish waters, will also be used as an identification aid.

In the afternoon Simon will bring the group whalewatching to Howth Head where we’ll see all species seen in Irish waters!

Cost is €25 (proceeds to IWDG)

To register or for further information– contact cftscientific@gmail.com
