Killer whales attack tuna off Donegal

IWDG received an interesting account of an attack by two killer whales on a group of blue fin tuna about 7 miles north of Fanad Head, Loughswilly, Co. Donegal, on 20th Oct 2004.

The attack, reported by Adrain Molloy of Tuna charters was observed by all on board. The remains of the giant tuna were brought on board, but we gather there was little evidence left of the attack, bar a lot of fish oil and debris on the surface!

This sighting is of interest, given that similar tuna trials last weekend produced fin whales in the same area as blue fin tuna off Clare Island, Co. Mayo.

Such levels of tuna activity are interesting, as there is likely to be a percentage of sightings reported to IWDG of dolphin species, that may well be blue fin tuna; some of which can reach sizes that would dwarf some dolphin species.