Killer whales off Blaskets on RTE News, 7th March

For those of you who missed tonight's main RTE News, click on this link and scroll down to end of article for footage of the two killer whales known as John Coe and the other who is likely to Aquarius.


Just looking back on our validated sighting records of this individual, we attach our 1st image (left) of "John Coe" W01 off Rathlin O' Beirne, Co. Donegal, which was taken 14 years ago on 10th Sept. 2004 by Sean Hawshaw. Since then IWDG have recorded this bull on no less than 15 occasions, generally travelling as a pair, but on occasion with the entire Scottish West Group Community Group of nine.  Which since the death of "Comet" in 2016 is now a group of eight.

Well done to Nick Massett and Britta Wilkens on a great job and telling such a compelling good news story.