Long Strand Sperm whale buried 19th Jan.

The 42ft male sperm whale that stranded at Long Strand, Nr. Clonakilty,Co. Cork on 17th Jan was buried by Cork County Council on Wed. 19th Jan.

IWDG remained on-site throughout the operation to offer advise and field questions from members of the public.

The operation took a lot longer than anyone anticipated. Digging commenced at 12:00 and only finished at 16:00. So we now know it takes four hours to bury an adult sperm whale, properly….even with heavy lifting & digging equipment!

It is thought that at its current location and depth it could take as much as two years before the carcass has been reduced to a skeleton worthy of display. But we at least have the option of removing the skeleton at a later stage should there be any argument for exhuming it.

Anyway, the beach is now back to its former pristine state, with only the faintest lingering whiff of a whale.

Pádraig Whooley