New IWDG Research Boat Arrives

A new 6 meter research vessel has been delivered to the IWDG. The XS 600 Deluxe Rib (Ridgid Inflatable Boat) was imported from Barnett Marine in the UK and has been specified to a high level by IWDG.

The Rib has been equipped with depth sounder, VHF radio, compass and GPS. Other eqipment include radar reflectors and a decklight to enable work at night. The vessel has seating for 3 persons but is able to carry a maximum of 10 passengers.

XS 600 RibWith a 115hp Mercury outboard engine, the boat can easily reach speeds in excess of 30knots. The mercury optimax engine is designed for increased fuel efficiency and low emissions.

The Rib is generously funded by the Heritage Council and will enable the IWDG to conduct inshore monitoring programmes for cetaceans as well as use in marine mammal strandings events and at public events around the coast.

The Rib has been named ‘Muc Mhara’ which is the Irish for harbour porpise.

Thanks go to Irish Ferries who provided free passage for the Rib and towing vehicle from Holyhead to Dublin on board the MV Ulysses.