Northern Bottlenose Whale update

Several IWDG members and locals travelled to the site on Sat 20th to monitor the situation, but the northern bottlenose whale, which had been seen each day since sun. 14th August appeared to have left. There were no sightings throughout Sun. 21st, confirming that the whale had left the immediete area.

Film footage was obtained from the cliffs on Friday 19th Aug. of the whale swimming within meters of the cliffs and breaching several times in the middle of the harbour. This was the 6th and final day the deep-water species had been seen.

It is hoped that the whale which appeared to be in good condition has returned to deeper water, offshore. It’s departure leaves us none the wiser as to what brought it to this remote location and what kept it there for so long.

An end to an intriging few days. Thanks again to local IWDG members for keeping us updated.

For those of you with broadband and who missed the news bulletins on the RTE main evening 6:00 and 9:00 news on Sat. 21st, you can access the report and footage on the RTE website
