Praise for the IWDG!

Following the publication of the recent IWDG newsletter, the IWDG have received generous praise and accolades about its work. But who are the IWDG?

Faith Wilson is the Editor of IWDG News. This is its 26th edition since it was first produced in December 1990, on formation of the IWDG.

Padraig Whooley

This edition was greatly assisted by Pádraig Whooley, who is the IWDG Sightings Co-ordinator and is responsible for receiving and validating all sighting records from the two sighting schemes and updating the IWDG database and making all records available via the website.

Mick O'ConnellMick O’Connell has recently taken over as IWDG Strandings Co-ordinator, and is also responsible for ensuring stranding records have sufficient information for validation. Mick is also IWDG Membership Secretary.

Dave Wall

Dave Wall is IWDG Ship Surveys Co-ordinator, under which he organises three ferry survey routes across the Irish Sea and the expanding offshore surveys onboard vessels such as the RV Celtic Explorer.

Phyllis RyanPhyllis Ryan is IWDG Treasurer and maintains all IWDG accounts and ensures IWDG compliance with the Revenue Commissioners as well as managing individual project budgets.

Dr Simon Berrow is the IWDG Co-ordinator or General Manager. He is responsible for the overall management of the IWDG, its strategic development and the implementation of the IWDG 5-Year plan. Simon Berrow

The IWDG are represented on a wide range of committees and the individual best suited to the particular subject takes on these tasks. Interested individuals again drive specific projects and funding for them is ring-fenced. The IWDG contract a range of people to assist with particular aspects of the groups work, for example:

Padraic Moran designed and upgrades the IWDG database and website

Jim Wilson and Stephen O’Connell are presently preparing an IWDG Guide to Whales and Dolphins in Ireland and have delivered the IWDG DVD.

The IWDG aspire to a flat, rather than hierarchical management structure. The group’s officers and committee come from all over Ireland.

The IWDG has also from the very start been an All-Ireland group and are represented in Northern Ireland by Ian Enlander and Louise McAlavey. Ian Enlander

Ian is also Chair of the Board of Directors which consists of seven persons including Frances Bermingham, Fiacc O’Brolchain, Eithne Griffin, Kevin McCormick, Vincent Murphy and Dr Emer Rogan. The Directors are legally responsible for IWDG activities and ensure compliance with the Companies Office. Finally all officers are on the IWDG Committee, which includes co-opted member Nick Channon. Kevin McCormickFiacc O'Brolchain

The success of the IWDG is due to the motivation and dedication of the Officers, Committee, and Directors and not least the IWDG membership who are all committed to the study and conservation of cetaceans in Irish waters.

Dr Simon Berrow,

IWDG Co-ordinator
