Probable bottlenose dolphin live strands in Wexford

IWDG received reports of another live stranding earlier today (11 February), this time in County Wexford. Initial reports suggested that the animal which was described as a 6′-8′ bottlenose dolphin, was beached near Kilmore Quay. However, following another call which suggested a second live stranding near Rosslare, it transpired that this was the same animal.

Helen Duggan, a local woman who, in conjunction with Nicky Walsh (Wexford Wildfowl Reserve), acted as ‘liaison officer’, told us that the animal had been found beached on mudflats at Burrow (Rosslare Point) at 9am. It was found by local boatman, Donald Donoghue, who managed to get the dolphin to shore later on with some help. On advice from IWDG it was decided to get a local vet to the scene, but before he arrived, the dolphin swam back out to sea and the call-out was cancelled.

However, as is often the case, the dolphin soon re-stranded. By this time, the local fire brigade had arrived and they placed the dolphin onto a tarpaulin and transported it to the main beach a short distance away where it was released back into the water under the watchful eye of Colm Murphy, a local diver. He helped steady the dolphin and guided it to deeper water, from where it appeared to swim away quite strongly.

It is possible that this animal may re-strand in the area in the coming days, so if you’re around Rosslare strand, keep your eyes peeled and let us know if you come across it! We are currently waiting for photos to confirm the animals i.d.

IWDG would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped out with this stranding, and in particular, Helen Duggan, Donald Donoghue, Colm Murphy, Rosslare Fire Service, Tony Murray (NPWS) and Nicky Walsh (Wexford Wlidfowl Reserve)

Mick O’Connell