September starts well for Kerry Whale Watchers

In the past few days sea-watchers have been enjoying some great cetacean observations from several sites along the Dingle Peninsula area. Locations that may be worthy of some “watch effort” are the Slea Head (statue area), Clogher Head and the Blasket Sound. Sightings from the Valentia Island area, suggest this activity may be quite widespread.

The species being recorded include: minke whales, common dolphins and large aggreagtions of harbour porpoises. For instance on 31/08/07 Jill Crosher reported a staggering best estimate of c70 porpoises just West Of Slea Head.

As of yet no large baleen whales have been reported, which is interesting given that fin whales have been recoded on almost each day in the past three weeks in the waters off Galley Head, West Cork. But what were most likely fin whales were obsered in this area in Sept 2006, so it will be interesting to see if they return in 2007.

Harbour porpoise, Slea Head 270807 © Simon Berrow, Randal Counihan, IWDG

As always, we extend a huge thanks to the local observers who make a huge effort to record and report their observations, both causual and effort related, to IWDG. We’d particularly like to thank Nick Massett, Jill & Ian Crosher.

Pádraig Whooley

Sightings Co-ordinator
