Strandings Network Meeting, Sat. 25th March, Kilrush

IWDG members are invited to attend our Strandings Network Meeting, which will include updates on strandings from around the country, the work of the tissue bank that the network feeds into, and coordination of the network for the coming year. It will also be a great opportunity to brush up on some of the finer points useful in identifying animals in very poor condition from a range of skulls kept in the centre.

We would like to increase the capacity of this group, so if you want to come along and find out more about getting involved, this is the perfect opportunity

Date: Sat 25 March

Time: 12 pm – 4 pm

Location: Shannon Dolphin Centre, Kilrush, Co. Clare

                                                                                                                                                                                             Image: Dead stranding of a Common Dolphin © Nick Massett What is our Strandings Network?

Our Strandings Network is a network of members based around the country that we can contact to assist at both live cetacean strandings and with examining the carcasses of any dead cetaceans that are reported to the IWDG (recording basic information, taking some photographs and perhaps small skin samples for the Irish Cetacean Genetic Tissue Bank). For live strandings, participants can take part on one of our strandings courses, which will be announced shortly.  

For further information on the meeting and the network, please email: