Striped dolphin pair strand in Donegal

IWDG received a call at 13:00 28th Aug. from Ross Bartley of Crossing the Lines Films that they encountered a mother and calf striped dolphin pair on Rutland Island, Sun 28th Aug 05 at 11:00 am.

They were on location, filming badgers for the 3rd series of Wild Trials. Paddy Sleeman, UCC was on hand to confirm species ID. We understand that they actually stranded and we’re put back in the water and were last seen at 14:30 on 28th swimming close to shore.

Ross and the team, who will be filming on the Island for the next few days will keep an eye out for them, should they re-strand. But so far the pair have not been resighted this morning (29th).

Hopefully they made it ok. Please report any stranded cetaceans (dead or alive) to IWDG.
