Walrus sighting in Clew Bay, Co. Mayo

The IWDG received a report from Eoin McGreal, Conservation Ranger, of a walrus seen off Dooghbeg, Mulranny, Clew Bay, Co. Mayo on 5th Oct 2004.

It was described by at least six surfers who saw it as a tan-coloured, cow-sized animal. They saw it clearly in the water before it clambered out of the water to the shore, and they are confident it was a walrus.

This sighting obviously requires validation before it can be accepted by IWDG and reported to the INJ. But Ireland’s last confirmed walrus sighting in April 1999 also came from Clew Bay, near Old Head, Louisburgh. Walrus sightings are on the increase in Scotland.

If anybody knows any of the surfers who observed this animal, the IWDG would appreciate your passing us on any contact details, as it would be good to have this sighting validated and documented.